Charleston Boudoir Featured Session: Boudoir Photoshoot Giveaway Winner Sarah
This past winter I did a HUGE session giveaway here in our Charleston Boudoir Studio to celebrate our new location. There were over 400 applicants and I connected with so many amazing women in my search for the 3 most deserving ladies. Throughout the process I heard stories from cancer survivors, overwhelmed mamas, women that were newly single, etc. but the overwhelming theme was that so many of you were struggling with body image, self love and confidence.
I know that stepping in front of the camera and being vulnerable during a boudoir shoot is an incredible experience and the perfect way to overcome these feelings!
Meet Sarah.
What made you decide to enter the giveaway?
This came at the perfect time in my life.
What were you wanting to gain from having a session?
My za za zing back!
What made you hesitant to do a boudoir session?
I’ve gained a little weight since my breakup. Some girls lose weight like crazy after a break up. I eat my feelings. I have some stretch marks I’ve never had before. I don’t quite fit into my regular clothes. But I want to love the body that got me through calling off a wedding. It was such a dark time for me and I hate that I don’t love the body that got me through that just because it’s a little larger than it was last year. I want to change that.
How were you feeling before your shoot? Any thoughts going through your head?
Before the shoot I was thinking I was going to hate all the pictures and so I would just treat it like a dry run and then one day, for my wedding, when I was skinnier I would know what to do already. During the shoot I was thinking the same thing and decided to pose as if no one would ever see the pictures anyway so just go for it.
Now that you've had your own photo shoot, how was it?
I am blown away. Completely blown away. I have NEVER seen my body like this before. I am obsessed with myself and have never felt like that even at my skinniest! I always look at other women (of ALL sizes) and love their bodies and wish I loved mine like I see and love theirs. This is the first time I feel that way. I don’t even recognize myself!
How did you feel about having your hair and makeup done?
It definitely made me feel like a celebrity!
What would you say to someone thinking about doing a boudoir session?
Just do it! Try a bunch of different types of outfits before the shoot to see what is most flattering in your body type and what you’re comfortable in but bring one outfit that is out of your comfort zone to whip out at the end! Then when you’re at the shoot the main focus can be confidence. Even if you have to fake it til you make it!
Check out Kandi’s session, too. She was also one of our giveaway winners!